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Bioinformatics – 1st degree studies

Description of major:

Bioinformatics studies are addressed to people who intend to develop their interests in the field of life sciences, this refers mainly to the scope of biological sciences, including genetics, elements of chemistry, biochemistry and physics. Programming and IT constitute a  significant aspect of scientific development. As a result, the students obtain knowledge concerning programming techniques and usage of various programming languages. What is more, they acquire the ability to process biological and breeding data.

During the course, students have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest research results currently carried out by the employees of the Faculty of Biology and Animal Husbandry at the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences as well as the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wroclaw.

During the course, students obtain knowledge concerning issues covered by three thematic groups:

1 life sciences - in the field of botany, zoology, genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, genomics and proteomics,

  1. mathematics and statistics - linear algebra with elements of discrete mathematics, statistics, mathematical analysis, probability calculus, parameter estimation, statistical packages, hypothesis testing, computational algorithms, statistical data modelling,
  2. IT and programming - programming paradigms, IT, bioinformatics, databases, IT lab.

Graduates of the BA/BSc studies in bioinformatics can continue education at MA/MSc studies in bioinformatics, biology, animal science and related fields of study.

Employment opportunities:

What can bioinformatics graduates do when it comes to their professional life?

After graduation, bioinformatics graduates have the opportunity to be employed in research and development institutions, administrative units, research laboratories and analytical laboratories. They can work in units using and managing databases. Moreover,  they can perform IT positions in various types of enterprises thanks to their programming and IT skills.

Which areas/industries do bioinformatics graduates work in?

A graduate of the field of interdisciplinary bioinformatics can independently design databases and computer programmes, in particular dedicated to environmental and agricultural issues, plan and perform research tasks, projects or expert opinions in the field of biology and computer science, both independently and as part of group work as the graduate of this major has the ability to work and program in environments of various operating systems. Consequently, such individuals can be employed in scientific units, medical enterprises, research and scientific laboratories. The skills acquired during the studies result in the ability to apply the basic techniques and research methods used today in biological and information sciences in a practical manner.


Bioinformatics - 2nd degree studies

Description of major:

MA/MSc studies in the field of bioinformatics are addressed to individuals whose scientific interests focus on biological sciences supported by issues in the field of computer science and programming at an advanced level.

Within the course framework, students have the opportunity to obtain knowledge concerning the latest research results on an ongoing basis. Moreover, students frequently participate in projects currently conducted by employees of the Faculty of Biology and Animal Science at the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences and the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy at the Polish Academy of Sciences operating in Wroclaw.

 Master's studies are conducted within two specializations:

  1. Biostatistics and computer programming
  2. Programming techniques in molecular biology.

During the course, students obtain knowledge concerning issues related to experimental work and experimental planning, statistical modelling of biological and breeding data, analysis of data obtained thanks to next-generation sequencing, immunogenetic diagnostics, genome and transcriptome research, tissue engineering, programming languages connected to extensive IT lab, server administration, data engineering, medical databases. What is more, this course includes ongoing classes devoted to the latest achievements in the field of bioinformatics. Consequently, students have an opportunity to learn about current global trends in this field.

Employment opportunities:

What can bioinformatics graduates do when it comes to their professional life?

After completing the MA/MSc studies, bioinformatics graduates can find employment in scientific and research institutions, administrative units, research laboratories and analytical laboratories, in units using and managing databases. What is more, they can work in IT positions in various types of enterprises due to their programming and IT skills. Moreover, the graduates can select the option of self-employment and running a business in the IT and programming sector.

Graduates of MA/MSc studies in bioinformatics can continue their education at postgraduate studies and at the PhD school.